Danielle Murrell Cox -On a Mission to Diversify Toyboxes


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Danielle Murrell Cox founded Zuri & Dre’s as an answer to diversify children’s toy boxes, and to make playtime creative and fun for children the world over. Also, a graphic designer and illustrator – Cox designs all of the company’s products, which makes them unique and special. Zuri and Dre’s products have seen a steady increase in popularity among consumers and currently ships to over 50 countries. We recently had a quick chat with Cox to discuss about all things Zuri and Dre and what the future holds.

What’s the inspiration behind Zuri & Dre? Plus, how did the name come about?

In 2017, I self-published colouring books thinking it would be a fun chance for me to showcase my illustration, while also using my skills as a graphic designer. After a few book signings and events, I received a lot of great feedback, and decided to try a new product, and that’s when the plush dolls started. Fun fact: I originally wanted to create vinyl figurines (similar to Funko Pop! collectibles), but the costs were higher than I had hoped, so I moved towards the direction of the plush dolls. Once I started sharing the ideation and manufacturing process on social media, my community became bigger and I wanted to always make sure they felt included, so I went to them when I needed to start picking names. After asking for suggestions, picking my favourites, then adding those to a poll, the names “Zuri” & “Dre” won! I decided to name the brand after the dolls’ names, as another way to show my appreciation to my community.

What are some of your product offerings?

Currently the main category of products we offer are plushies (dolls and cushions), colouring books, greeting cards and accessories (keychains and enamel pins). In the future I’d like to try new things like beach towels and apparel for humans—we currently offer dolls’ apparel only.

Were any of your products inspired by your childhood? 

When I first started the brand, it was a way for me to offer my skills (illustration and design) in a different and fun way. But it turned out that the brand, specifically the Zuri doll, became a love letter to younger me. To the little girl who wasn’t comfortable in her own skin. Who was made fun of for her wide nose, big lips and skin tone.

Which of your products is your favourite and why?

The Zuri doll and the new Erykah doll with Bantu knots, are my favourites because they remind me of myself.

Who is your target market and how would you describe your impact on them? 

My biggest target market would be women, specifically parents, grandmothers, and aunts. However, there is an audience of adults who purchase the dolls for themselves (collectors and kids at heart).

Let’s hear some of the challenges you’ve faced and overcome since inception.

The biggest challenge outside of getting funds for manufacturing would be doing this all by myself. While I don’t manufacture the products myself, everything else falls on my shoulders. If I was able to get a team to work with me, even part-time, that would help the brand expand faster. But due to all the profit going back into the business (mainly manufacturing), it’s tricky.

Besides being the founder and CEO of Zuri & Dre, you also work as a graphic designer and illustrator, can you share how all the roles intersect and interplay?

Having the experience and skills as a graphic designer for 10+ years has been a huge part of creating the business. All the visuals seen for Zuri & Dre are created by me (social media, website, print marketing and packaging). If I didn’t have this prior experience, I don’t think the brand would be where it is today.

What would you say is your biggest achievement so far since inception?

The brand recently won a competition for Canada Post, which gave us the opportunity to have billboards around the city (Montreal, QC). With this win, the brand was recognized in a Canada Post E-commerce Magazine, and it received an award in the “Customer Connection” category. 

While I am a team of one, I am still very comfortable with saying “we/us” since I have so much support from my online and in-person community. The brand wouldn’t be where it is today, without them. And to have an award acknowledging that is the icing on the cake.

Finally, any creative ideas in the pipeline you want to share with us?

At the moment, we’re focusing on launching our new dolls that are currently in a pre-order campaign and diversifying our products with new items like towels and apparel in the near future. And thanks so much for the opportunity to highlight me and the brand!

Chinenye Emezie | Contributing Writer

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