What to Know Before Getting Acrylic Nails


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They’ve been rising in popularity for a while now, from actors, to musicians, to elite athletes, everyone seems to have acrylic nails. Given how often we’re seeing them, and how cool they can look, especially on social media, it’s not surprising that many people are considering hopping on the bandwagon. However, there are still things you should know before getting acrylics.

What are Acrylic Nails?

Acrylic nails were originally created by dentist Dr. Frederick Slack in the 1950s, who decided to experiment with dental acrylics to fix his own broken nail. However, it took until the 1970s for acrylic nails to become commercially available. Today, while acrylic nails can be made of various materials, the most common are made of a mix of acrylic powder and liquid monomer that is then applied to the nail and shaped with a brush.

Do Your Research

The best thing you can do before getting acrylics is research. Look into the various nail technicians in your area, and see what kinds of designs they offer. Not all techs offer the same services, and if you want a specific design, you need to make sure that your nail tech can give you what you’re asking for.

You also want to make sure that the tech you do eventually choose is someone who you have a good rapport with, and you can start to figure out a good fit by reading reviews. Having a good rapport is important as it will make you more comfortable to speak up if you are unhappy or uncomfortable with something, but also, you want someone who is going to be honest with you about a design, rather than just try to sell you something you may not even want.

Additionally, you want to make sure that their sanitation practices are following regulations as you don’t want an infection or medical emergency to arise because you saw a tech who was not reliable.

Prepare for the Cost and Upkeep

While cost can vary by technician, acrylic nails are by no means cheap during the initial appointment to apply them, especially when they are done properly. Additionally, acrylics require regular upkeep. While some people may need to go in every two to three weeks to have their nails refilled, you’ll want to speak to your tech about how often you’ll need to come in based on your own individual experiences. Regardless, each appointment is going to be a regular cost that you’ll need to factor into your monthly expenses.

The reason why the nails need to be refilled, by the way, is not just for aesthetic reasons, but also for health and safety. A nail that is not properly filled puts you at risk of developing moisture around the nail which can accumulate through daily activities. If not treated properly, this can cause fungus to grow under the nail.

Take Care of Your Nails

Before you even go in for your appointment, make sure that you are taking care of your nails and cuticles so that they are strong enough to support the nails. You can do this through moisturizing your nails and cuticles and preventing them from breaking and becoming too thin.

It’s also almost impossible to find someone whose nails haven’t broken due to regular wear and tear. You can help prevent this by not only wearing rubber gloves while cleaning, but also by being careful to keep the length of your nails reasonable. If they’re too long, obviously, it’ll be easier to break them, especially if you’re new to wearing acrylic nails. When a nail breaks, be sure to take care of your natural nail, especially if the break causes a wound, and then make sure to get the nail refilled as soon as reasonably possible.

When it comes to nail removal, it’s easier if your nails are strong, so just like before getting your acrylics, make sure that you are moisturizing your skin and cuticles while wearing the nails. Additionally, speak to your technician about safe removal practices, and ensure that you are taking care of your nails to keep them strong after the acrylics have been removed.

Lauren Schwartz | Staff Writer

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