Freckles Are In, But Only If They’re Painted On


Winter 2024

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For years, freckles have been a source of shame for people who have them naturally. Many were bullied for their freckles and, as such, used full coverage foundation to cover them up.

Back in ancient times, such as ancient Rome, freckles were seen as spiritual or religious stains, a mark of shame. All the way up until the 1960s, cosmetics companies were selling products used to reduce the look of, or entirely eliminate freckles from the face, as they were seen as ugly and undesirable.

There are even freckle-removing dermatological procedures available, generally laser removal, for those willing to shell out some cash to remove their freckles. Of course, those who couldn’t afford these products often made their own freckle-removing concoctions, the most popular one containing lemon juice. 

But now, thanks to TikTok, freckles are in, they are considered beautiful, and many makeup companies are now coming out with products that are specifically created to paint fake freckles onto your face.

This has caused polarizing opinions within the beauty world, with some comparing the reactions to the fake freckles trend, to the anger those who wear glasses feel when they see people who don’t need glasses, wearing glasses. On the other hand, there are people who are celebrating that the world is embracing natural beauty, even if their beautiful freckles are anything but natural. So, what’s the appeal?

The Effect of Fake Freckles

For starters, many influencers and makeup artists have said that freckles provide an air of youthfulness and add a freshness to the skin and make it look glowing and sun kissed. The “no makeup” makeup look has also been trending for a little while now, and the appearance of freckles would suggest that you are wearing as little makeup as possible, since you are allowing your natural skin to shine through. These cute dots can also help to softly contour the face, enhancing one’s natural features. 

Application Methods 

There are a few different methods available to those who wish to create freckles where none exist, or to enhance their already existing ones. The technique you use depends on your artistic ability, or pain tolerance, depending on the route you take. 

If you want to use products you already have, many people have had great success with using fake tan, claiming it creates a very natural effect. You can also use brow products or eyeliner, and whichever you use is entirely up to your preference in product and your faith in your own artistic abilities. 

Moving on, many companies, from Colourpop to Tarte, are releasing their own dedicated freckle products. These products usually exist within the $20-$40 range and generally look like a bottle of liquid eyeliner, with a tube of product, and a very fine-tipped brush for dotting your freckles. 

Freck, the new cosmetic company, was created out of the desire to create products for fake freckles. This viral product retails for $30 at Sephora, and often tops beauty lists as the best product to use for creating fake freckles. The owner claims that she has always wanted freckles, but with no real ones to call her own, she created Freck to fill this void in her life. 

Of course, as trends grow and evolve, and as is common with the majority of beauty trends, it wasn’t long before we saw more dangerous methods start to pop up. Dermatologists have taken to TikTok to vehemently recommend against using Henna to create fake freckles, as this can result in severe consequences, such as inflammation, oozing, and pain, if the correct ink and application techniques are not used. 

Beyond that, some people are even going so far as getting semipermanent freckles tattooed onto their faces, an effect that is said to last an average of three years, although results may vary. The procedure often costs within the hundreds of dollars and the application of these tattoos is similar to permanent eyeliner or microblading, using the same type of pigment to create little dots very close to the surface of the skin.

Just a Fad, or Here to Stay?

This probably brings us to the most important question, how long is this trend going to last? It’s been going strong for a little while now and doesn’t seem to show any signs of slowing down, but that doesn’t mean that it’s going to last forever. 

Typically, trends like this fade, and inevitably this one probably will, too. With the influence of global beauty standards, the likelihood is, in a few years a culture that does not like the look of freckles will influence those who do not have freckles, to wash theirs off; and those with freckles, will be forced, once again, to hide them.

 Lily Frances | Contributing Writer

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