
Alexandria MacFarlane

Twenty-something and brimming with entrepreneurial energy and inspiration, Alexandria MacFarlane has made waves in the packed world of skincare and wellness in only two short

A Step-by-Step Guide to Good Skincare

Long gone are the days when skincare meant just soap and water. Nowadays, skincare is a booming industry that has expanded its product offerings to

Must-Read Books to Improve Your Relationships

In the varied and intricate world of relationships, understanding the intricacies of building, nurturing, and preserving healthy connections is essential. Whether it’s a romantic liaison,

Tattoo Care 101

Finally, your dreams have become a reality, and your body is sporting something totally epic — and totally permanent. You may think the most important

Surviving Holiday Family Drama

Conflict is bound to happen within families. Even so, some of us are lucky to have healthy family dynamics where issues get resolved, especially during

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