8 Ways to Achieve Flawless Brows


Summer 2024

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We have seen quite the eyebrow evolution over the years. From thin, arched, penciled, overplucked, to bold, natural, and feathered, our brows have been through it all. As best put by the infamous Lizzo song, “it’s about damn time” to restore those beauties and embrace elegant brows!

Eyebrows not only accentuate facial features, but they also reveal expressions as we talk and gesture. Whether it be surprise, fear, excitement, anger or disbelief, eyebrows are a tell-all which is why going overboard with the tweezers may convey a different emotion than intended…And yes, we are indeed talking about angry brows. You know those brows that are so pointed, they make anybody seem perpetually angry? Let’s just say that our job is to ensure you steer clear of those. 

It is important to keep in mind that all eyebrows are different and what works for one, may not work for another. That being said, there are few general rules of thumb to create objectively stunning brows: 

  1. To Wax or Not to Wax? – That is the question. 

Whether it is threading, waxing or simply trimming, there are options to clean up and create the best shape for your brows. For example, if you have sensitive skin, you may prefer threading since the thread glides over the skin instead of sticking to the skin which reduces irritation. Plus, threading doesn’t use any products which reduces the probability of having an allergic reaction. 

For any brow services, we recommend turning to a professional such as Benefit Cosmetics Brow Bar. 

  1. Break up with your tweezers. 

If you are guilty of over plucking, it’s time to break up with your tweezers. Since it can take a few months for your eyebrows to fully grow out, it is better to trim the odd hair instead. If you can’t resist the urge to tweeze, you may just have to hide those tweezers! Don’t worry, it’s for the best and we promise not to tell anyone!

  1. Fill in the Blanks. 

Given the trauma our brows have been through while trying to keep up with the trends these past years, it’s no wonder they are still recovering from sparse spots. Try a brow dip, or a brow pencil to fill in any sparse patches or gaps in your brows. Use a gradual flick-like motion in the direction of your hair growth to mimic the authentic look of hairs when filling your brows in and be sure to blend well. This helps to avoid looking like your eyebrows were drawn on. 

Pro Tip: Be sure to choose a shade lighter than your brows to create a more natural look. Don’t create arches with the brow tools, instead follow your bone structure to create an authentic arch. We recommend Anastasia Beverly Hills Dip Brow Pomade ($24 at Sephora) or Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Definer ($33 at Sephora).

  1. Take it one strand at a time.

While brow dips and pencils are a temporary solution, the best way to permanently fix those sparse spots is by allowing your brows to grow out. In the meantime, try Eyebrow Growth Serums to fortify your hair follicles. We recommend The Ordinary Brow Serum ($15.80 at Sephora). 

If your brows have the opposite problem and they are overgrown, you can purchase an eyebrow gel to comb them in place. We recommend a tinted volumizing brow gel such as Gimme Brow by Benefit ($34 at Sephora).

  1. Watch the Tails! 

A common mistake is to shorten the tail end of your brows, however, instead of taking too much off of the ends, simply clean up a few hairs IF needed. Remember how we mentioned that eyebrows are at the forefront of expression? Overextending the tail can create a drooping somber-looking effect. 

  1. Play to your strengths!

So how do you know exactly how to best shape your brows? The key lies in the shape of your face. If your face is rounder, the arch to the end of the brow should be a bit longer to create the illusion of a longer face, however, if your face is already longer, shorten the area from the arch to the end. 

  1. It’s Time to Tint. 

Brow tinting uses a semi-permanent dye to define/fill in brows. It saves time for individuals who don’t want to have to worry about filling in and shaping their brows daily. There is a reason it is trending; it looks natural and precise. 

  1. Brighten up those brows. 

Try a lighter concealer to make the brow bone appear lifted and prominent. The concealer draws attention to the shape of the brow creating a more polished, refined effect. 

We recommend NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer ($42 at Sephora). 

The bottom line: Experiment with what suits your style best and incorporate it into your brow care routine. 

Jackie Marson | Contributing Writer

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